I have a very restricted life. I live in a small town, in where only lucky days I can explore.
I have researched the happiest places on earth, as a way to determine were I will go in the future. This is a start of a mini blog series titled the happiest places, in where I investigate the so called happiest places on earth, and I see exactly why they are considered with this high title.
For the start of the series, we have to go over the most obvious one.
We all have heard that the Disney Parks are the happiest places on earth.
But what makes them so special? I mean, besides the nostalgia and fun characters of course, is it truly one of the happiest places?
Odyssey has an article that lists many reasons why the Disney parks are one of the happiest places. It includes simple things such as the weather is typically nice, and the feeling of childhood, but the one thing that stood out to me the most is their final reason of happiness. The Man with a Dream and His Mouse. They don't describe much about why this is a reason to spread happiness, but the simple state;
"None of these amazing parks would be possible without Walt and his dream that started many years ago out in California for Disneyland. I only hope that these parks exceed his expectations."
This statement hits home of why the Disney parks would be an incredibly happy place. There is something about seeing a dream become a reality that just makes people happy. Maybe its hope that's the real happiness here.